Productive 4.0

Productive 4.0

Productive 4.0 is an ambitious holistic innovation project, meant to open the doors to the potentials of Digital Industry and to maintain a leadership position of the industries in Europe. All partners involved will work on creating the capability to efficiently design and integrate hardware and software of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Linking the real with the digital world takes more than just adding software to the hardware.

GUEP for Productive 4.0

We are your reliable partner covering the whole process of software engineering. By applying agile development methods we provide all aspects of development-lifecycle, project management and –controlling, requirements engineering, software architecture, software design, implementation, integration, automated testing and system tests.
Concerning technology we do not limit ourselves and we face it as a challenge to fulfil the needs of our customers with best possible assortment of technologies.

Main tasks of the project
  • Requirement collection and prototyping of secure and monitored end-to-end service from a service department to a remote device.
  • Modelling and Classification of data, needed in a formal description of the device to support smart serrvice use cases
  • Prototyping of a web service based access and collaboration to device data
  • Semi-automated import of existing legacy data in the created structures
  • Prototypes for generation of code and configuration files for measurement systems and integration environments (e.g. automation systems)
  • Connection and mapping of distributed smart service data and device descriptions
  • Evaluation of smart services with existing measurement devices in different variants and firmware / hardware versions / generations (interoperability by formal device description)