Education & Research

Education and

Education and

Education and

University of Technology Graz

Various research and commissioned projects characterize the long-term cooperation with Graz University of Technology in various areas.

PiReM Systems represents a significant success of the cooperative collaboration.

FH Campus 02

GUEP has had a lot in common with the University of Applied Sciences for Business, the CAMPUS 02 in Graz, since 2002. Knowledge transfer, mutual support and appreciation for one another characterize cooperation on many levels.

Knowledge Transfer Centre South (WTZ Süd)

Development of a CRM-like web interface for the administration of organizational and personal data taking into account the GDPR.

Agile development based on Scrum with handling of requirements management.

Lange Nacht der Forschung

A toy excavator, an alarm light and a control center simulated the function of Smart KKS during the “Long Night of Research”. The whole family was introduced to the remote control of KKS protective current devices in a playful way.

ServTec Austria

THE specialist forum for innovative services and new technologies.

GUEP takes part in the discourse of advancing digitization.