

E-World 2020

Digitalization in network services does not stop at system boundaries. On the contrary. That’s why we have established a partnership under the “” brand.

Date: 11. – 13. February 2020
Place: Essen, Germany

PiReM Conference 2019

Exciting contributions from the world of asset management for water and energy supply companies awaited you at the PiReM specialist day for users and interested parties.

Date: 24. October 2019
Place: Linz, Austria

Lange Nacht der Forschung 2018

The LNDF (Long Night of Research) is the largest event for science and research in the German-speaking world. This year, children and families were able to get to know the SmartKKS in a playful way.

Date: 13. April 2018
Place: Graz, Austria

ServTec Austria 2018

The eighth edition of ServTec Austria dealt with the topic of “Digitization and Service Innovation”. Styrian companies presented their ideas based on smart services and modern information technologies.

Date: 15. March 2018
Place: Graz, Austria

PiReM Fachtagung 2017

On April 27th, it happened again! Lecturers, users and interested experts from utility sector came together in Graz to visit the PiReM conference.

Date: 27. April 2017
Place: Graz, Austria

20 th anniversary
FH Campus 02

FH Campus 02 celebrates 20th anniversary.

Happy Birthday!

Date: 06. December 2016
Place: Graz, Austria